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Tues Pot Game



Pot GameTuesday Evening 9-hole event with start times 3:30 - 5:30

It's like a 9-hole tournament each Tuesday.

  • 2024 Season will run from April 23 - September 24
  • Two-Player Best Ball game first 3-4 Tuesdays each month
  • Two-Player Scramble Last Tuesday of each month
  • Black tees for men, Red tees for women
  • Season long points will accumulate for end of year play-offs

So called the "Pot Game" as each player throws $6 in the "pot" prize fund to cover the weekly game and skins. Green fees and riding cart are additional and can be paid weekly or are offered at discount by purchasing a 5 Play Niner Card

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The Game Explained

All teams automatically compete in both Gross and Net competitions with winners determined by points earned. Skins are Gross.

Net & Gross BEST BALL:  Played first 3-4 Tuesdays of each month

Two players (partners) play a match against two other players.  In a best ball format, each player on a team plays their ball from where it ends up (no "best shot" or picking up and moving the ball to another location). It can be viewed as each player playing a typical round of golf, with their own score for each hole. The team score for each hole is the lowest score by any one player (subtracting any stroke adjustments for handicap.)  For example, a team of 2 players score 5 and 5 on a hole. Let's say one of the players gets a handicap adjustment on that hole of 1 stroke.  The team score for this hole would be a 4 because the player's score was 5 less 1 stroke adjustment.  The team score for each hole is compared with one team winning each hole or "halving"  the hole if there is a tie.  The team winning the most holes wins the match.

Net & Gross SCRAMBLE:  Played last Tuesday of each month

In a scramble, each player hits their own shot from the tee. The team then chooses the best shot. Players whose shots were not selected, go pick up their ball and the entire team shoots their second shots from where this "best shot" came to rest, (typically) with the option of shooting from within a club length of this "best ball" spot (except on the green of course). You cannot, however, move from rough to fairway, or fringe to green. After the second shot, this process continues as many times as necessary until a ball is in the hole. The team score for each hole is how many "best shots" were needed by the team. Scramble is played as stroke play with the total score added up at the end of the round for the team Gross score (actual score without handicap.)  For the Net side of the competition, handicaps are applied to the total team score using a mathematical compilation of handicaps so that all players will be able to compete.

Weekly Skins

Each player's individual hole score is matched against every other player in the competition.  The lowest score on any given hole is said to win the "skin." When there is a tie on a given hole, that hole does not have a skin. The fewer total skins, the greater the value of the each skin and the bigger the payoff. If there are no skins in a given week's play, the skins pot carries over to the next week.

Order Food: (937) 565-9028

Liberty Hills Golf Club
665 Road 190 West
Bellefontaine, OH 43311